You Are Never Too Old You Can Make It Too

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You Are Never Too Old To Set Another Goal Or To Dream A New Dream!

You Are Never Too Old The above quote from C.S. Lewis caught again my attention today.

I just read that wonderful quote in one of my previous write-ups elsewhere on these pages, and that made me think and altogether I changed my earlier plan to write something else on this day for the letter  “Y”

Since these concluding days of this BIG challenge here at A to Z,  I am sure this post will make some sense, encouragement, and impact to some of us here.

As we are all growing day by day and our age factor too is crossing to an alarming stage. We are all aware of it.

[bctt tweet="You Are Never Too Old To Set Another Goal Or To Dream A New Dream!" username="pvariel"]

Few of us are in the peak years of our life.   Some are a bit worried about this age factor and getting more worried as the days go by.

Though the death is inevitable, I am sure age is no barrier to it!

There is no doubt that all will reach that level one day!

So here is a CAUTION to my young readers:

“Please do not laugh at your old generations! You too are fast approaching to that stage.”

But here I want to say something very encouraging to the growing generation.

As  CS Lewis said “

Yes, that is indeed true: and there are many possibilities to achieve that dream.

Do not get frustrated or worried, instead take heart and go forward with the same strength and vigor.

As the same scholar said in another quote:

“You can make anything by writing.”

Yes, Let us continue our writing in our respective fields.

And Let that pave the way to make great things in our lives as well as others' lives!

And let that be some useful ones to our fellow beings!

And let that be an ever remembering one!

"May these thoughts be a great challenge in our life”

Let these closing days here at A to Z and the coming days ahead be a great challenge to each one of us!

Yes, You And I Can Make It!

If we put a little more time and effort into our writing surely we can make it!

May you all have great days ahead!!

Happy Writing Days Ahead!! With All Best Wishes From Philipscom Associates   PS:  This post is a part of  “A to Z Blog Challenge [2014]“ And this is an updated version. The Brain Behind  A to Z Challenge [2014]  (Arlee Bird -The Founder)  Tossing it Out AND THE SUPPORTING TEAM BEHIND ARLEE BIRD: Alex J. Cavanaugh: Alex J. Cavanaugh Stephen Tremp: Author Stephen Tremp Tina Downey: Life is Good Damyanti Biswas: Amlokiblogs Jeremy Hawkins: [Being Retro] Nicole Ayers: The Madlab Post M. J. Joachim: M. J. Joachim’s Writing Tips Heather M. Gardner: The Waiting is the Hardest Part AJ Lauer: Naturally Sweet Pam Margolis: An Unconventional Librarian   Picture Source: Simplyilka  

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